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We are a Presbyterian Church that meets at 10am on Sundays for our church service. We are a service for all ages and really are just one big family.
During our service we have songs, Bible readings, prayer, the Children go out to Sunday School, while the adults hear a Bible talk. This is followed by morning tea together in our church hall.

Scots Cootamundra Church is a place where you can find joy, hope and encouragement. Our mission is to make mature disciples of Jesus who live 'all of life for Christ'. We strive to create an atmosphere of warmth, acceptance, and fellowship for all who come. We welcome you to join us in worship, study, and events, as we seek to deepen our faith in Jesus Christ.

Our Church Covenant

Before our Father God, as brothers and sisters in Christ, and with the help of His Spirit, we commit to promoting unity and harmony in our church family. Recognising our human frailty, we commit to regularly seeking His help together, asking Him to grow us to be more like Jesus and to work together to grow His kingdom in Cootamundra and beyond.
We will prayerfully examine our attitudes, actions and choices in the light of God’s Word.12 We will strive as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bearing with each other and forgiving one another if we have a grievance against someone, forgiving as the Lord forgave us. Col 3:12-13
We will be open, transparent and honest with each other, inclusive, warm and friendly. We will value others and acknowledge their gifts and work. We will be energetic and enthusiastic in love for one another and service of the Lord. As disciples of Christ, we commit ourselves to pursuing this kind of interaction.